Category Archives: Boot Sales

The Free Free Market Market

Friday 25 March 2010
12:00 pm, ICA

The University for Strategic Optimism’s Free Education Market is hitting the West End Friday, 25th March and you’re all invited. And what will be on sale? With the major cuts to all levels of education and the public services EVERYTHING MUST GO, so come and join in the great education cattle market of the future. Time to show off those skills. Create your own stalls to bring along, we’re expecting all kinds! Why not treat yourself to a BSc in Tescosisation? An MA in Streamlining Public Culture? Or two for one in dead-end internships and part-time jobs whilst trying to scrape together enough money to postpone eviction? Six week micro-philosophy courses to help you charm creative contacts whilst networking, seal the deal on business success, and have all the right opinions about books, film, and art. Do you have some cultural capital to splash out? Oh yes!